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The Poocast

Aug 15, 2023

We hear a story about how hockey and too much dairy do not mix.  We find out that Bailey's always planning ahead when in a toilet stall.  And Dad learns what John Lennon meant when he sang, "Instant Karma's gonna get you.."

Slang Term Spoiler Alert:  Poop Knuckle

May 5, 2022

Some of our best Poocast stories and banter of the last year.  

Mar 20, 2022

We tell you how smelly poop can be a predictor for a long romatic relationship.  Hear how Karma gets a judgemental mom.  And hear the worst squat toilet story ever.  

Poop Slang Term spoiler Alert: Corn Baked Rattlesnake

Feb 2, 2022

You've heard of a black diamond run in skiing.  Hear how a guy created his own brown diamond run.  Also a tale about a kid blowing up his grandma's front porch.  And Bailey tells us how a well hidden utensil comes in handy. 

Slang Term Spoiler Alert: A Twoosie In The Bank

Dec 17, 2021

You will not believe what someone did to get a Friday sale item.  We hear what food triggers Bailey.  And a tale about what a woman did to her neighbors when she couldn't hold it in any longer.  

Slang Term Spoiler Alert:  Decorate The Oval Office