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The Poocast

Aug 30, 2020

As a teenage girl the last thing you want is to have a boy hear you grunt on the can.  We hear the details from the poor grunter.  Dad tells the story of how he once had a crazy dude in the next stall over from him.  And we hear about a woman who gets too much pleasure out of pooping her pants.  

Poop Slang Term Spoiler...

Aug 17, 2020

Bailey shares her own poop story.  Another example of a sadistic teacher that won't allow a kid to go the bathroom.  You know what happens next.  And a tale about how a turd has been perfectly preserved for over a decade.  One of the best stories ever!!

Slang Term Spoiler Alert: Rectum Warriors

Aug 3, 2020

We're introduced to Carlos the Pooping Bandit.  Our guest Mendy tells her steaming pants full of shit story.  And more talk of foods that come out the same way they went in.  

Slang Term Spoiler Alert: Free Mandella